Tag Archives: lace cookies

Salted peanut florentines

28 Jun

… the lacy ones

On my previous post I made my aunt’s ice cream, the old school and old time classic. As I didn’t bother adding any other ingredients, to make it more “special”, I made this florentines recipe to accompany it, which was sitting in my bookmarks for a long long time.

Florentines are my family’s all time favorite sweet and we are known to bring/send them to friends and family abroad, every chance we’ve got. This recipe is a bit more “special” than the usual ones, at least the ones we tend to buy, as they are made with salted peanuts which bring out the caramel flavorĀ  (if you don’t like the sweet-salty combo, maybe this recipe is not for you). They are super thin and crunchy, the kind of florentines we love.

A few words about the recipe: Continue reading